How to Avoid the 4 Most Common Financial Mistakes People Make? – Episode 92

Today’s episode is all about the four most common mistakes I’ve seen people make when it comes to their finances – AND my advice on how to fix them. It’s like a free financial planning session with me!

I originally came up with much more than four when I was putting together this episode, but I whittled down to the top four. And these types of mistakes run across the financial landscape: investing, spending, financial choices we make, planning far into the future, and a lot more.

Are you making any of these common financial mistakes? Find out – and learn how to correct them – on this edition of CAPitalize Your Finances!

Important Information:

You should always seek counsel of the appropriate advisor prior to making any investment decision. All investments are subject to risk including the loss of principal.

Christopher Panagiotu is a registered representative with, and securities and advisory services offered through LPL Financial, a registered investment advisor and member FINRA/SIPC. The investment professionals are affiliated with LPL Financial and are conducting business using the name CAPitalize Your Finances, a separate entity from LPL Financial. LPL ART-535156 (02/24​)

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